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In many countries, tipping is seen as a way to show appreciation for good service. However, unlike most Western Countries, in Japanese culture, things aren't quite as simple as leaving a tip behind for service workers, and in some cases, it can even be seen as the customer being rude.
At Crown Currency Exchange, we're going to take a closer look at tipping in Japan, explain why it generally isn't appreciated, and explore the rare occasions when it is ok to tip.
Tipping is not a common practice in Japanese culture, and, in fact, it can be considered rude to tip or awkward in certain situations. This is mostly because Japan's service industry operates on the principle of providing exceptional service as a standard, and service staff are trained not to expect tips as part of their role.
Should you try to tip in Japan, you may find that you create an awkward situation in which the staff will return your money without an explanation. Even worse, you could cause them great offence by making them think they haven't provided the best possible service.
There are a few reasons why tipping in Japan is so rare. Firstly, Japanese culture values providing the best possible service as part of a job and not as "going the extra mile", and as service employees take such pride in their work, they aim to deliver outstanding service without expecting extra compensation.
Workers in Japan also value their roles as a responsibility and take great pride in maintaining professionalism at all times. As such, offering a tip can imply that the service provided wasn't adequate and make it look as though the customer is suggesting they can do better.
Another reason why tipping is so rare in Japan is because it simply isn't a part of the country's cultural norms. Japanese society values modesty and humility, and exchanging money in certain social contexts can create an awkward atmosphere and disrupt the harmony of an interaction.
As there is also no clear expectation or customary amount when it comes to tipping in Japan, it can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. This again falls in line with Japan's culture, where clear and structured social norms are preferred.
While tipping in Japan is not expected or required in most cases, there are a few exceptions where it is considered appropriate or acceptable to leave a tip.
In cases where you have hired tour guides or private guides who have provided a customised or tailored service, tipping could be considered a sign of appreciation for personalised attention. This could be a walking tour of a city or a one-on-one guide around a museum.
A fair tip for tour guides in Japan ranges from ¥1,000 - ¥,3,000 Japanese Yen ($10 - $30 AUD) per person for a day-long tour.
In some of Japan's upscale hotels, luggage handlers or service staff who provide extra assistance will accept tips as a token of gratitude. This is not expected but is less taboo than tipping in restaurants.
A modest tip of around ¥500 - ¥,1,000 Japanese Yen ($5 - $10 AUD) per bag is acceptable for tipping a room attendant or baggage handlers, and if you feel you've had a truly exceptional stay, a maximum tip of ¥1,000 - ¥,3000 Japanese Yen ($10 - $30 AUD) would be enough to not offend.
Should you feel you have received extraordinary service that significantly exceeds your expectations, a discreet tip may be appreciated. This could be in high-end hotels or for a special service that specifically caters to international visitors.
As in most cases, a small gratuity of ¥1,000 - ¥,3000 Japanese Yen ($10 - $30 AUD) would be considered fair and would be enough to show your appreciation without risking creating an awkward situation or implying you received mediocre service.
Because of Japan's cultural norms, tipping is a pretty sensitive matter, and even if you feel you've received the kind of service that warrants a tip, there are certain approaches you'll need to take to ensure you don't seem rude or cause offence.
The first thing you should do is place the tip inside an envelope and discreetly hand that to the member of staff. This allows you both to maintain the modesty expected in Japanese social norms by avoiding the direct exchange of money.
You should also keep the amount of money you tip to a modest number in order to avoid making the recipient feel uncomfortable. In most instances, the maximum amount you should tip in Japan is ¥1,000 - ¥,3000 Japanese Yen ($10 - $30 AUD), as this will be seen as a sign of appreciation without being excessive.
Top Tip: Since you'll need to put your tip in an envelope, you'll need to use cash. You can get excellent exchange rates on Japanese Yen with no hidden fees here.
There are several cases in which you should avoid tipping in Japan altogether, as doing so can be seen as rude or inappropriate. The most common situation you may find yourself wanting to tip in but shouldn't is in restaurants, as this can be seen as disrespectful and suggests that you didn't receive exceptional service as standard.
Likewise, tipping in shops, cafes, and local businesses is not common practice, and, as well as being seen as rude to tip in these establishments, it can seem unusual to the staff as it simply isn't within Japanese cultural norms to do so.
Tipping is also not expected for those who provide routine services, such as taxi drivers or hair stylists. In these instances, verbally expressing your gratitude is considered sufficient.
While you don't need to tip in Japan, you will need cash to get around and enjoy everything the country has to offer! At Crown Currency Exchange, you'll find a team of friendly experts who will be able to help you change AUD for JPY with zero commission fees and no hidden costs.